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You may also have additional interfaces, for example, for a backup network; however, for simplicity, we will consider only the three devices listed here To optimally implement bonding, all of the interfaces that are intended to communicate on the private interconnect should be configured in this fully redundant way with bonding as well Care should also be taken to ensure that all of the servers are connected to the active and backup switches with the same corresponding interfaces In other words, if ethl on londonl is connected to the active switch, then ethl on all other nodes should also be connected to this same switch Implementing NIC teaming functionality without tainting the kernel requires the configuration and use of the channel bonding kernel module, which is included with both Red Hat and SUSE Enterprise Linux distributions.

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Alternative teaming drivers that are closely integrated with the network drivers themselves are produced by network card vendors such as Intel's Advanced Networking Services (ANS) for Linux and Broadcom's Broadcom Advanced Server Program Before investigating these vendor-based solutions, be aware that the modules may not be licensed under the GPL license agreement, will taint the kernel, and will invalidate Unbreakable Linux support Therefore, we recommend using the channel bonding module As bonding is implemented through a loadable kernel module similar to the hangcheck-timer module, you need to set configuration options in the file /etc/modprobeconf on Red Hat systems or /etc/modprobeconf local on SUSE systems You also need to explicitly load and set the bonding.

module options when you initiate the private network interface. Creating an alias for the interface name, in this case bondo, enables parameters to be assigned to the bonding module. alias bondo bonding

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Figure 7-31. Flash chart created by the conversion wizard Listing 7-22. Generating Multiple Series in a Single Query select null as link, ur.username as label, (select count(*) from buglist bl where bl.reported_by = ur.username) as series_1_value, (select count(*) from buglist bl2 where bl2.assigned_to = ur.username) as series_2_value from user_repository ur This single query will determine the counts and generate exactly the same chart as shown in Figure 7-31. If you want to convert all the charts in your application in one go, rather than doing it on a page-by-page basis, you can navigate to the Page Components section of the Application Reports for your application and select the Migrate SVG to Flash Charts option in the Regions section, as shown in Figure 7-32.

Two options are of particular interest. First, either miimon or arpinterval and arpiptarget must be specified. We recommend setting miimon, as this is the most applicable solution for ensuring high availability and determines how often Media Independent Interface (Mil) link monitoring occurs, in milliseconds. In the previous example, the value is set to 100. In addition, all modern NICs should support Mil link monitoring, making it an applicable default option. The second parameter of mode is also absolutely crucial and must be set to the value of l or its text equivalent active-backup. This parameter configures the bonding driver to function such that, during normal operations, only a single primary interface will be used. In the event of a single NIC or cable failure, that node only will switch to its backup NIC communicating with the remaining nodes on their active interfaces through the interswitch link. If the switch itself fails, all of the interfaces will switch to their backups, thereby ensuring the continuity of operations. This form of active/ backup configuration is optimal for delivering the most reliable form of redundancy that you aim to achieve to prevent the private interconnect being a single point of failure. To configure the network devices to use the bonding module, you need to modify thefilelocated in the directory /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts on Red Hat systems or /etc/sysconf ig/network on SUSE systems. Thesefilesrequire modifications in different ways. On Red Hat systems, assuming the use of devices ethl and eth2 for the interconnect, copy thefilecorresponding to the currently configured private interconnect interface, such as if cf g-ethl, to a new file named if cf g-bondo. Edit the device name within thisfileto reflect the alias name detailed in /etc/modprobe. conf. Then if cfg-bondo will contain entries similar to the following: DEVICE=bondO BOOTPROTO=none ONBOOT=yes TYPE^Ethernet USERCTl=no IPADDR=192,168,1.1


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PdfDocument.PageCount Property (Windows.Data.Pdf) - Windows ...
Definition. Edit. Gets the number of pages in the Portable Document Format (PDF​) document. public : unsigned int PageCount { get; } uint32_t PageCount();. C#

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Assuming you want to avoid opening the file unless necessary (ie until ... HasValue) { //existing code to determine page count _pageCount ... Viewed: 3,199 times

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   Copyright 2019. Provides ASP.NET Document Viewer, ASP.NET MVC Document Viewer, ASP.NET PDF Editor, ASP.NET Word Viewer, ASP.NET Tiff Viewer.