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Union result = Rel 1 UNION Rel 2 Intersection result = Rel 1 INTER Rel 2 = Rel 1 DIFF Rel 2 Difference result Cross product result = Rel 1 XPROD Rel 2 and a generalized join, of which the equi-join is one form, Join result = JOIN[( )] Rel 1 ON attr 1 WITH Rel 2 ON attr 2 A nal operation, divide performs function which in the relational calculus normally requires use of universal quanti cation Division generates a quotient relation with one tuple for every group of tuples in the dividend which completely matches tuples of the divisor We will write division Quotient result = DIVIDE Dividend ON attr 1 BY Divisor ON attr 2 where attr 1 and attr 2 de ne the matching attribute domains of dividend and divisor that control the division The attributes in the quotient consist of the complement of the matching attributes of the divisor, so that quot attr = (Dividendattr 1 ) Hence, this quotient is a projection of the dividend by quot attr, containing only the tuple types whose associated tuple tokens have all instances in dividend and divisor matched for the controlling attr 1 and attr 2 domains An example, e ectively phrasing a problem requiring universal quanti cation, can demonstrate the use of a relational division:

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Solution to Exercise 20-1. Let s start with a simple exercise. The Northwind database contains a table named Orders. Write a program to retrieve the order date and shipped date of all the records in the Orders table. This exercise is, as we said, rather simple. The code from Example 20-1 serves nicely as a template. However, Example 20-1 uses the Customers table, and we specified the Orders table. You can expand the Tables folder in the Database Explorer to see the various tables available in Northwind, and then expand the Orders table to see the various columns, which include OrderDate and ShippedDate. From there, it s just a matter of rewriting the command string, like this:

Example 9-12

string commandString = "Select OrderDate, ShippedDate from Orders";

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Given the Possible supplier and Parts skill required relations of Figs 7-17 and 7-23, we wish to determine which Possible suppliers id can deliver ALL parts for which (assembly, type) The relation schemas are: Parts skill required : RELATION Possible supplier: RELATION s id, p id : ; assembly, type, p id : no req, ; We rst select the tuples for each assembly,type: Parts req for body = SELECT(*) FROM Parts skill required WHERE assembly = "750381" AND type = "Body"; Parts req for fender = SELECT(*) FROM Parts skill required WHERE assembly = "750381" AND type = "Fender"; and then divide Good guys body = DIVIDE Possible supplier ON parts BY Parts req for body ON parts; Good guys fender = DIVIDE Possible supplier ON parts BY Parts req for fender ON parts; The quotient relations can have only one attribute here Since Possible supplier had only two attributes, s id and p id, and p id controls the division, only s id is left Good guys body: RELATION s id; null Good guys fender: RELATION s id; s1

Example A-59. One solution to Exercise 20-1

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using System; using System.IO; namespace Sample { class Sample { static void Main(string[] args) { string pdfFile = @"..\..\Potato Beetle. pdf "; string textFile  ...

Division can be written using primitive functions Given two relations composed of multiple attributes grouped for division, Dividend: RELATION quot attr, attr 1; Divisor : RELATION any attr, attr 2;

Other replacement policies include rst in rst out (FIFO) and most recently used (MRU), which also entail overhead similar to LRU, and random, among others The details of these policies should be evident from their names and the preceding discussion of LRU and clock

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where attr 1 and attr 2 are sets of attributes have the same domains, but not the same attribute values, the operations de ned above allow the rewriting of the division, Quotient = DIVIDE Dividend ON attr 1 WITH Divisor ON attr 2 into an equivalent sequence,


= = = = = =

Example A-59. One solution to Exercise 20-1 (continued)

PROJ Dividend BY quot attr; PROJ Divisor BY attr 2; Wanted segm XPROD Divisor match; Full set DIFF Dividend; PROJ Remainder BY quot attr; Wanted segm DIFF Remainder segm

namespace Exercise_20_1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // create the data connection string connectionString = "server=.\\sqlexpress; " + "Trusted_Connection=yes;database=Northwind"; // create the string to hold the SQL command // to get records from the Customers table string commandString = "Select OrderDate, ShippedDate from Orders"; // create the data adapter with the // connection string and command SqlDataAdapter myDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(commandString, connectionString); // Create and fill the DataSet object DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet( ); myDataAdapter.Fill(myDataSet); // Retrieve the Orders table DataTable myDataTable = myDataSet.Tables[0]; // iterate over the rows collection and output the fields foreach (DataRow dataRow in myDataTable.Rows) { Console.WriteLine("Order Date: {0}. Shipped Date: {1}", dataRow["OrderDate"], dataRow["ShippedDate"]); } } } }

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